Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Back so soon?

Every time I come back to write another post, I'm surprised at how many days have gone by since the last one! Really? I haven't written since Sunday? Granted, that's only 3 days, but i feel like I just wrote. Hmm... maybe that's why this pregnancy seems to be flying by!

I haven't been feeling 100% for the past couple of days... just a cold, I think, but I've been super stuffed up and have a yucky cough. I just get to take a box of tissues with me where ever I go! Lots of water, you know, all of that fun stuff.

Other then that, I feel pretty good today! I have off work, and Dan does (for the most part), too, so we'll get to hang out and have a nice day together. I have been looking forward to our once a week hang out days this month, so much. My schedule has been great, in that I only have to work a few days before i have off - the past 4 in a row is the longest stretch I've had to work all month! Since I am so tired all the time, I'm really glad that I don't end up like Dan with a 10 day work week (ugh). He's the one that will end up really exhausted! Poor guy, it's not his fault, and he hates it. Oh, well, he'll get through.

So I thought I'd take a page of someone else's book (or blog) and do a little pregnancy update questionnaire thingy... I haven't been doing a very good job of keeping track of how I feel during the pregnancy, and how things are changing, so maybe this will help. Here goes!

How far along: 15 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: As of this morning, 3 pounds - down a pound from last week (I blame this cold)
How big is baby: 4 inches, 2.5 ounces - about the size of a naval orange
Maternity clothes: I have one pair of pants, and they are too big! Since my pre-pregnancy pants don't button, I'm loving my BellaBand!
Stretch marks: Nope!
Sleep: I feel great! I slept for about 10 hours last night (interrupted, of course, by bathroom trips for myself and the puppies)
Movement: No... hopefully we should start that this week! Usually between 16 and 20 weeks Mommy is able to feel Baby kicking
Food cravings: Not really... though there have been times when I swear that all this baby wants is pizza and wings!
Food aversions: I'm not a huge fan of meat like steaks and chicken right now... my chicken salad and pepperonis are about as far as I get
Belly button: no change
What I'm looking forward to: hitting 4 months! This seems so much further along then 3 for some reason
Weekly wisdom: Do as much as possible with Daddy, since this is the last time of "just us two"
Weekly joy: No more nausea!

(Thanks, friend, for that pg update!)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Good morning, good morning, I love a good morning!

Well, so it's not really morning anymore, and it's not such a great one, but I'm feeling pretty good today! Even though it's dreary and rainy (and the puppies don't want to go outside), and we had a 7 am meeting at work, and I have to go on back in a little bit. However... it was a pretty good meeting, I got to go back to sleep for a few hours, and I've got a whole list of stuff to do when I go back, so I'll be productive. That makes me feel good!

So today I am 15 weeks and 1 day pregnant. Wow. I can't believe how fast it is going! It seems like we just found out, and it was really about 10 weeks ago! At the next doctor appointment, I get to schedule the sonogram for the next week - and it's the big one, where we find out if we are having a little boy or girl. It will be so great to actually be able to call our little one by name. And then after that happens, we will go register, to decide on furniture, equipment, and all kinds of baby gear! I am so excited and nervous to do that - we need to make sure we get all of the right stuff! Thank goodness for Baby Bargains - I have a feeling it's going to save my life... or at least Dan's sanity :-)

So at this point, Baby can hear. I really want the little one to recognize our voices, so from now on, I'm going to try reading everything aloud. I also really want him/her to like to be read to, so maybe that'll be a head start! Haha. I'll also be downloading some more music onto my zune - more classical this time. It can't hurt for the baby to be exposed to that, too, right?

Heading off to get ready for work... hoping it'll be a fabulous day!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Fabulous Friday

What a day!

This has turned into a pretty good day off! Here's a run down of my day so far:

I got home from work last night a bit before 2 am - and for some reason, I just couldn't fall asleep! It was crazy! Usually, when Dan is playing on his computer, I can just lay down on the couch, talk to him for a little bit, and crash. Last night, though, was another story! I guess I just wanted to talk... and finally fell asleep near 4 am (ugh). But then... had a prenatal massage this morning! It was great! I used to get massages every once in a while, and the MedSpa associated with my ob/gyn came highly recommended. Between my old injuries, being on my feet 8 - 10 hours each work day, and all of the changes in my body to make way for Baby, I've been hurtin'! I ended up with a half price, hour long massage that left me feeling great. I'm already thinking about going back ;-)

Since Dan had off today as well, we both got to have a nice lunch date with my BFF from high school. This is the last time we'll get to see her, as she's moving to L.A. to become a famous actress this week :-) I'll really miss her... we go way back, and she's just a riot. She kept us rolling this afternoon! I'm already planning kidnapping her for a day or two when she comes back into town this summer.

When we got home from lunch, I had a package waiting for me - the pants I ordered from Motherhood Maternity came in! Yayyy! I just ordered them on Tuesday, so they got here fast! Not a minute too soon, either - none of my pants can button anymore. It's gotten to the point where my BeBand has to go all the way down my zipper, since even that won't go up much, either. Eep! I think I'll order another pair for work soon, and then get a pair of jeans. I had hoped to last till February, but I'm only a couple of weeks early. I can handle that!

After cruising around the internet for an hour or so... I took a nap. I am just so tired so quickly! Granted, I didn't sleep nearly enough last night, so it makes sense today. Now I'm ready to go for a few more hours yet! I'd like to take a whack at the scrapbook I've had for months - for the wedding. I'm thinking maybe it's time to get that going, ha. Wish me luck, and here's hoping I get it done before I start one for Baby!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

In the middle of a beginning

Once upon a time, I had a blog. I was sixteen.

My world has changed - a thorough 180 - since then, and I wanted to try again. Since this time in my life marks many starts and beginnings, I felt it would be I good time to start anew, and to share what goes on, all of my many adventures. This blog will probably ramble, contain my daily trials and tribulations of work, the funny and loving and occasionally awkward moments of newlywed life, and discuss at length my awe and amazement of my first pregnancy and child.

I invite comments and friends, but at the same time, I'm writing for myself, my husband, and our child. I hope you enjoy, but if not - oh well! We will - we're living our Adventures.