Sunday, January 17, 2010

Good morning, good morning, I love a good morning!

Well, so it's not really morning anymore, and it's not such a great one, but I'm feeling pretty good today! Even though it's dreary and rainy (and the puppies don't want to go outside), and we had a 7 am meeting at work, and I have to go on back in a little bit. However... it was a pretty good meeting, I got to go back to sleep for a few hours, and I've got a whole list of stuff to do when I go back, so I'll be productive. That makes me feel good!

So today I am 15 weeks and 1 day pregnant. Wow. I can't believe how fast it is going! It seems like we just found out, and it was really about 10 weeks ago! At the next doctor appointment, I get to schedule the sonogram for the next week - and it's the big one, where we find out if we are having a little boy or girl. It will be so great to actually be able to call our little one by name. And then after that happens, we will go register, to decide on furniture, equipment, and all kinds of baby gear! I am so excited and nervous to do that - we need to make sure we get all of the right stuff! Thank goodness for Baby Bargains - I have a feeling it's going to save my life... or at least Dan's sanity :-)

So at this point, Baby can hear. I really want the little one to recognize our voices, so from now on, I'm going to try reading everything aloud. I also really want him/her to like to be read to, so maybe that'll be a head start! Haha. I'll also be downloading some more music onto my zune - more classical this time. It can't hurt for the baby to be exposed to that, too, right?

Heading off to get ready for work... hoping it'll be a fabulous day!

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